Hello and welcome to Umeå and Ski Orienteering compettions.
We are happy to invite you all to Umeå and Vindeln, to take part of our fine orienteering forests.
If you have any questions about accomodation, food, transportation, please contact Tjelvar Otterbjörk, tjelvar@telia.com
TUESDAY PHOTOS - Link to album with photos from Tuesday.
PHOTOS - Here is a link to some photos from the competitions.
Now all federations should have recieved a order form for accomodation, food, transportations and wax-tent. Please fill out the form and send it to Tjelvar before february 5th.
Note thet all competitors will be back in Umeå at 4pm on wednesday 26 of february. Then the Event will end.
Bulletin 4 can be found here Bulletin 4
Bulletin 1-3 can be found here Bulletin-1-3-prelim
Order form (excel-file) will be found at https://eventor.orienteering.org/Events/Show/6407 OBS send to tjelvar@telia.com before february 5th.
Accomodation - information Accommodation SkiO 2020
Transportation - information Transport SkiO 2020
Food - information Food SkiO 2020
For information, contact Event Director Andreas Lundholm, +46-2387987, andreaslundholm75@gmail.com
The competition arena will be located in Vindeln, a municipality in northen Sweden approximately 50km from the town Umeå.
The prize ceremony and team leader meetings will be held in Umeå
An orienteering map over the competition area can be downloaded here, Abborrtjärn_2016_sommar
For live results, GPS and livelox analyzing - see links below.
Official results will be presented on the following sites.